Contact Us

We are happy to once again offer wholesale! We look forward to hearing from you and your business! Please send and email or reach out on Instagram with any questions you may have.

Feel free to reach out regarding our products, our affiliates or with any questions or concerns about your orders.

Affiliate Links

  • If you're looking to have a physical branding iron made, we no longer make the irons. The Heritage Forge specializes in iron work - specifically hot iron brands. They have a wide variety of sizes and styles of branding irons, including custom branding irons. (These are the same branding irons that we have sold in the past!) You can find their business website here.
  • If you're interested in having a brand designed or digitized, we recommend Kate Biaggi with Western Identity. She is our go to graphic designer! She can design a new brand based off your ideas, or help you get your family brand made into digital form. You can find her website and pricing here.